My take on UV and Ruff

Posted on 2025-01-25 in Programmation • Tagged with Python

I recently tried the new and shiny tools made by astral. I only used them on my personal projects yet, but I’m still very impressed! You may already have heard of them. I’ll try to keep the article concise and won’t dig too deep into the tools …

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Weird test behavior in my Django project test suite after an IntegrityError

Posted on 2024-12-01 in Programmation • Tagged with Python, Web, Django

Recently I encountered a very weird behavior in my Django project test suite. I created a view that caught an IntegrityError from the database (caused by duplicates in a unique index). When this error occurs, I want to respond with a 409 - CONFLICT status code and an error message.

TL …

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Django async

Posted on 2023-12-10 in Programmation • Tagged with Web, Django, Python

Now that Django is fully async (views, middleware and ORM), I though it was a good time to test how it behaves when run asynchronously. I’ll try to keep this article concise with only relevant data and resources. Code can be seen in a sample project so you can …

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Use the same function as context manager and decorator

Posted on 2022-09-25 in Trucs et astuces • Tagged with Python

I recently learned that context managers created with @contextmanager can be used either as a context manager or a decorator:

from contextlib import contextmanager

def test_context():

with test_context():

def test_decorated():


We will yield:


Decorated …

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Exploring a weird HTTP issues

Posted on 2022-05-04 in Programmation • Tagged with Python, Django, nginx, GCP, devops

Today I'd like to explain how I tried to solve a weird HTTP issues that I found at work. I hope you will find the method and the trials I used the useful/interesting if/when you will encounter something similar.

The issue was this: I needed to dynamically generate …

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How to avoid CSRF token issues with Django when running on different sub-domains

Posted on 2022-02-13 in Trucs et astuces • Tagged with Python, Django

If you deploy multiple Django websites on your infrastructure on various subdomains, you may get issues about invalid CSRF tokens. This is happening either because:

  • You erase the cookie by using the same domain. For instance, if you have your prod API at and pre-production one at …

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Build a sequence that is reset everyday

Posted on 2021-04-08 in Programmation • Tagged with Django, Python, PostgreSQL

How to create a database sequence that will be reset everyday? That is a sequence that will get one the first time of each day? It sounds easy but it's not that much.


This article will focus on PostgreSQL since it's the database I use. A similar solution may …

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Using DateTimeRangeField in Django

Posted on 2021-04-06 in Trucs et astuces • Tagged with Django, Python, PostgreSQL

The basics

If you need to store a datetime range in Django (for instance from which day to which day a listing is valid), instead of relying on two fields like valid_from and valid_to, you can use a single field validity_range of type DateRangeField. This way, both values are stored …

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Deploy a React app in kuberentes

Posted on 2021-04-01 in Trucs et astuces • Tagged with devops, k8s, kubernetes, Django, Python

I recently deployed a React app in kubernetes. It was initially deployed directly in a public bucket: I have an API that is already hosted on kubernetes, but the app itself is made only of static files, so it made sense. However, requirements for my app changed and I required …

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Manage static files for Django when deployed on kubernetes

Posted on 2021-03-31 in Trucs et astuces • Tagged with devops, k8s, kubernetes, Django, Python

This will be a continuation of my article Some tips to deploy Django in kubernetes. In this previous article, I talked about generic tips you should apply to deploy Django into kuberentes. Here, I'll focus on static files.

If you don't already know that, gunicorn (or any other app server …

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