Using podman for containers

Posted on 2025-02-09 in Programmation • Tagged with Docker, podman, containers, systemctl, Linux

Podman is an alternative to Docker and Docker compose. It uses the same CLI interface than Docker and uses the same standardized image format. So you can use an image built with Docker with it or build an image and then use it with Docker. Its podman-compose command is compatible …

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Systemd Timers

Posted on 2025-02-01 in Programmation • Tagged with systemctl, Linux

After using anacron for years to run a backup script regularly, I decided to have a look at systemd timers. Overall, anacron worked fine: I could run tasks as my user and it would start tasks if they missed a run. But, I was still frustrated with how it worked …

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Execute Python scripts over SSH without copying them

Posted on 2025-01-05 in Trucs et astuces • Tagged with SSH, Linux

You can run scripts (written in Python or any other language) directly on a server if the proper interpreter is installed. I recently used it to run a Python script over several servers without the need to copy the relevant script on the server. It all relies on the following …

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Feedback after switching to openSUSE Tumbleweed

Posted on 2020-05-15 in Blog • Tagged with Linux

This article is a follow up to Installing openSUSE next to Fedora with BTRFS where I detailed how I switched to openSUSE Tumbleweed. In this article, now that I have been using Tumbleweed for about 2 months and a half, I'll give some feedback on my experience.

The issues I …

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Installing openSUSE next to Fedora with BTRFS

Posted on 2020-02-23 in Blog • Tagged with Linux, BTRFS

Update: My feedback article is now available.

I wanted to install openSUSE Tumbleweed (the rolling release version of openSUSE) on one of my computers to see how it looked outside a VM (and thus to try to use it daily). I am thinking about switching to this distribution to avoid …

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ZSH tips

Posted on 2018-10-09 in Trucs et astuces • Tagged with ZSH, Shell, Linux


Useful to have a notification when a long command completes.

To enable it, add zbell to your plugins array if you are using oh-my-zsh or source the definition file.

To configure:

  • The minimum time commands must take for the notification to happen, use: ZBELL_DURATION. For instance ZBELL_DURATION …

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Bash tricks

Posted on 2018-10-03 in Trucs et astuces • Tagged with Bash, Shell, Linux


Use this at the top of all your Bash scripts to avoid problems:

# Exit on error.
set -e
# Don't allow undefined variable.
set -u
# Make pipeline fail if any command in it fail.
set -o pipefail

Use dnsmasq with NetworkManager

Posted on 2018-09-08 in Trucs et astuces • Tagged with linux

This will, for instance, allow you to redirect all matching domains to a certain server: dnsmasq will intercept the DNS query and return the ip you specified.

To do this, edit NetworkManager configuration in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and add in the main section dns=dnsmasq:


You …

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Run multiple docker daemons on the same host

Posted on 2018-02-25 in Programmation • Tagged with Docker, Linux

Today I am going to explain how you can run multiple docker daemons on the same host. This can be useful if you want several users to use docker and want each of them to be isolated from one another (ie don't see images, containers, … of other users). The solution …

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Use squid and squidGuard to redirect all URLs from a domain to another one

Posted on 2017-06-09 in Trucs et astuces • Tagged with squid, Linux

You may find yourself in a situation where you will need to redirect all URLs from a domain (lets say to another one (lets say This can be done with squid, a proxy server, and squidGuard, an …

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