Should you build a SPA?

Posted on 2020-06-15 in Programmation • Tagged with JavaScript, Web, Django

This article is an update to a previous article why you want to build a SPA which I think was laking some nuance and precision. Reading this article is not required to read this one. I'm writing this update because SPAs are very popular and I recently though more about …

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PWAs and Django

Posted on 2020-02-29 in Programmation • Tagged with Python, Django, PWA, JavaScript

In this article, I'll guide you to create a PWA with the Django framework. All the code for this project is available under my gitlab account. You will find in each sections links to the relevant commits to help you follow. If something is not clear or if you have …

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Why you probably want to make a SPA

Posted on 2020-01-12 in Programmation • Tagged with JavaScript, Web, Django


I created an updated version of this article in should you build a SPA which provides a more complete and balanced view on this subject. Please read it instead of this current article.

I am currently working professionally on a website that is not a SPA. I'd like to …

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Some tips for django

Posted on 2018-05-21 in Trucs et astuces • Tagged with Python, Web, Django

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Utiliser AngularJS et Django pour faire des requêtes AJAX

Posted on 2014-10-25 in Programmation • Tagged with Django, JavaScript, AJAX, AngularJS

Dans ce petit tuto, je vais vous expliquer comment faire pour poster un formulaire Django via une requête AJAX en utilisant le framework JavaScript AngularJS. Tout d'abord, il faut un peu de préparation. Voici le modèle que nous allons utiliser (les imports ne sont pas précisés et je suppose que …

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