en fr

Utiliser un tableau dans un Makefile

Posted on 2015-11-12 in Trucs et astuces

I recently had to launch a make target for multiple arguments. I tried to do it in a Makefile :

  • Pass the arguments to loop over portals=geojb,n16
  • Loop in the Makefile

It turned out to be harder than I thought:

.PHONY: toto
     @echo ${portals}
     IFS=',' && \
     for portal in $${portals}; do \
         echo "$${portal}"; \
         $(call process_portal, $${portal}); \

define process_portal
     echo "processing $1"; \
     echo "done"

Note: it is possible to pass the arguments like: portals="geojb n16". In this case, you must remove the line IFS=','.

I noted that it is much easier with manuel (a small task launcher written in fewer than 150 lines of Bash which I decided to use instead of make):

#! /usr/bin/env bash

function hello {
    for portal in "$@"; do
        process "${portal}"

function _process {
    echo "processing $1"
    echo "done"