Can we clean password from PHP memory?

Posted on 2017-11-26 in Programmation • Tagged with php, Docker, security

At work in a PHP application, we rely on libsodium to erase a password from $_POST. It may sound like a good idea: once the password is not in memory any more, it can't leak. But the question is: is it really erased from memory? That's the question will answer …

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How to cache Python module in Gitlab CI

Posted on 2017-08-20 in Trucs et astuces • Tagged with gitlab, ci, Python

By default, pip cache will be in ~/.pip. However, this folder cannot be cached by Gitlab. The trick is to force pip to use a folder located in the build directory with the --cache-dir option. You can then cache this folder.

For instance, you can use .pip as in the …

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nginx tips

Posted on 2017-08-19 in Trucs et astuces • Tagged with nginx

CORS for multiple domains

location ~* \.(?:ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|woff2)$ {
    if ( $http_origin ~* (https?://(.+\.)?(domain1|domain2|domain3)\.(?:me|co|com)$) ) {
        add_header "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" "$http_origin";


Integrate Rollbar with Aurelia

Posted on 2017-08-19 in Aurelia • Tagged with aurelia, rollbar

I recently integrated Rollbar (a service to Detect, diagnose and debug errors with ease) into an Aurelia application. I explain here how I did it. I start by explaining how logging works with Aurelia and then how I integrated Rollbar into this.

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A sample application with Aurelia UX

Posted on 2017-08-14 in Aurelia • Tagged with ionic2, angular2, aurelia, framework7, android, mobile

This is a follow up to my Small comparison of ionic2 and Aurelia + Framework7 for hybrid mobile applications article where I compared ionic2 and Aurelia with Framework 7 for building an hybrid applications. At the time, Aurelia UX was not yet ready (and we were expecting a different, closed source …

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Chiffrer des fichiers avec GPG

Posted on 2017-08-08 in Trucs et astuces • Tagged with GPG, securité

Voici deux fonctions bash qui permettent de chiffrer et déchiffrer un fichier ou un dossier avec GPG.

Les dossiers sont compressés dans une archive ZIP avant le chiffrement.

Le chiffrement laisse les fichiers d'origine intacts. Le déchiffrement laisse le fichier chiffré intact.

Ces fonctions auront leur place dans votre .bashrc …

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Extraire le HTML d'un email au format mbox

Posted on 2017-08-07 in Trucs et astuces • Tagged with mail, Python

Voici un petit script Python pour convertir un mail au format mbox en HTML. Pour que le script fonctionne, il faut soit que le corps du message soit du HTML (recommandé) soit que la première pièce jointe du message contienne le message en HTML.

Par défaut, le script traitera tous …

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Use Linux user namespaces to fix permissions in docker volumes

Posted on 2017-07-02 in Programmation • Tagged with Docker, Unix

Not long ago, I publish an article about using Unix sockets with docker. These sockets where in docker volumes so they could be shared between various containers. The key idea was to change the …

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Docker compose tips

Posted on 2017-06-11 in Trucs et astuces • Tagged with Docker, Docker compose

For my tips about docker, go here.

Use docker-compose.override.yml

As describe here, if you create a docker-compose.override.yml next to your docker-compose.yml, you can override or add values to the docker file. This file is loaded by default. To ignore it …

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Create python virtual enviroments on Windows

Posted on 2017-06-11 in Trucs et astuces • Tagged with Python

  1. Before creating the venv you will need to open a PowerShell terminal as root and run the commands below to allow the script that activates the virtual env to run:

    cd ..
    Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
  2. Create the venv. Run in a terminal as a normal user: python3 -m venv .venv If the …

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